Wednesday 5 September 2007

Srila Prabhupada's appearance

Today is a very auspicious day, the appearance of our eternal spiritual master Srila Prabhupada. He truly is the saviour of all fallen souls and I thank Lord Krishna for sending him to us, to help deliver us by showing us the way back home.....back to godhead! Very often we forget how much effort Srila Prabhupada put into starting the international society of Krishna consciousness (ISKCON), we continue with our everyday lives, committing offenses to Krishna and devotees without realising our mistakes, yet lord Krishna and Prabhupada are still very merciful and continue to guide us. The question is how much do we really want to go back to godhead??? By understanding and following the teachings of our spiritual master we can please Krishna and guru.

Quote by Srila Prabhupada:

" Always remember Krishna who is your dear most friend and always serve Him just to please Him, and He will give you all intelligence how to be a first-class devotee."

What a powerful statement!.... Please take a moment to think where would you be right now if it wasn't for Srila Prabhupada.

Srila Prabhupada Ki Jai!


Anonymous said...

I would like to give thanks to “my ex-friend”, if it was not for the break-up, then I would not have walked into Soho Street, it was the evening of Friday 16 June 1995, a warm evening, I will never forget it and ever since, my life has been good but also it has had its “In-Betweens”, but by chanting the Holy name early in the morning (4:30 a.m) is helping me with my “In-Betweens”.

To be honest—if we were to be locked up for 23 hours a day, it is only then we can realised how we’ve misused our time and when I’m visiting the boys over the weekend at HMP Brixton, giving them a copy of the B.G and JAPA to use daily made me realised too, we can do much more with our time in this life than we can ever imagined.

For me “Chanting” is like holding on to our Dear Krishna ’s Lotus Feet, “Back It will Be”.

We should treat each day as a “special day”, each second, Minute, Hour is for “ Krishna ”, No more, No less and in doing so we must not forget out duties too.


Roops said...




If it were not for Prabhupada, I would be pondering the world doing the usuall day to day riff raf that the usuall suspects get up to...and that too probably without regulation or limit!

I would probably be takling the mysteries of our segragated religion and trying to fit all the pieces of the puzzle of our universal existance which without Srila prabhpadas books would not have been possible to define in a coherent manner considering the number of human years we have and 'speculating' about the mysteries of our universe; where we come from; where we are going and who we REALLY are! - these are just some of the questions I would probably be pondering about in some insignificant corner of my home all of which Prabhupada and His disciples have managed to unravel in such short time

If it were not for His divine Grace, I dont think I would have understood let alone appreciated Krishna as being the supreme source and personality of Godhead from whom the rsovoir of all other incarnates out of His mercy and pleasure flow from - weather it be for our benefit, His pleasure or simply out of His mercy & love for us mere mortals. I can now appreciate my position as jivatma and relationship to Krishna and the path He has layed out for us out of his pure love for us so that we can engage in devotional service to Him so as to slowly peel away and shed our non-self identities (the material coverings of our body and deluded minds) so as to get back to our eternal, blissfull everlasting constitutional positions...

If it were not for Prabhupada, I would probably still be stuck with many doubts in my mind about our true origins and constitutional identity. However, by His divine grace and His being a direct descendant of Chaitanya Mahaprabhus disciplic successession, there is no doubt in my mind now as to the immense potential of mankind's salvation - and that too by the most simplest method of chanting the mahamantra, prasadam seva and serving & associating with His devotees. Without Prabhupada I dont think I could begin to understand my true nature and that of the Universe, and I dont think I would have appreciated the art and reward of humility which is imperative to breaking aspects of my ego for acheiving ultimate success! After all we are living in a world cladden with how to boost one's ego, pride, wealth and so called material success -all of which have proven only to be the barriers that forever kill our evolution while spiraling downward and being caught up in animalistic cycle constantly taking rebirth, undergoing old age, become diseased and untimely death all for what!? - a few ounces of temporary pleasure which Prabhupada has revealed can be experienced a million fold more in bliss upon engaging our temporary lives In loving and serving Krishna and achieving the abode of Goloka Vrindavana by doing so. Although I can not express my gratitude and appreciation in words of just how much Krishna has given to us, without a shadow of doubt or guilt I have come to realise by the causless mercy ofSri Krishna and Prabhupada just what it means and how much is benefited from devoting oneself to lovingly worship Radha Krishna as the Godhead from whom the resovoir of all knowledge and pleasure flow from.

All Glories to Prabhupada, for if were not for Him, I would be Lost in my own Matrix of illusion.
Today I am who I am and the person I am meant to be due to His divine grace and the Likes of Radhanath swami who have become a becon of light in my life and whom have mercifully shattered the ignorance of my false pride and ego so that I can experience a better life and perhaps someday return to my natural constitution to resume my blissfull relationship with Sri Krishna... All Glories to Srila Prabhupada, all glories to Radhanath swami and all glories Bhaktin Priya for starting this blog and bringing forth my realisations on this Most Auspiciouss A& Glorieous day - Srila Prabhupada's Vyas Puja ki Jai!

Hare Krishna