Wednesday 5 September 2007

Radhanath Maharaj

"If we please Krishna , our life is successful!"
"Humility is not just a part of devotional service; it is the heart of devotional service."
"Trinad api sunicena, taror api sahishnuna, amanina manadena, kirtaniya sada hari"


Bhava Bhakti dd said...

Great blog Priya!

You have inspired me to create one now too !!

Sonal Patel said...

A spiritual person always lives by essential principles!

Here is another quote by Radhanath Swami:

"If we want to attain the sea of our aspiration, we must persevere in our goal and never be discouraged by the inevitable obstacles that come on our path. All impediments are like rocks in
the river of life, we should flow around them and never give up."