Wednesday 5 September 2007

Radhanath Maharaj

"If we please Krishna , our life is successful!"
"Humility is not just a part of devotional service; it is the heart of devotional service."
"Trinad api sunicena, taror api sahishnuna, amanina manadena, kirtaniya sada hari"

Srila Prabhupada's appearance

Today is a very auspicious day, the appearance of our eternal spiritual master Srila Prabhupada. He truly is the saviour of all fallen souls and I thank Lord Krishna for sending him to us, to help deliver us by showing us the way back home.....back to godhead! Very often we forget how much effort Srila Prabhupada put into starting the international society of Krishna consciousness (ISKCON), we continue with our everyday lives, committing offenses to Krishna and devotees without realising our mistakes, yet lord Krishna and Prabhupada are still very merciful and continue to guide us. The question is how much do we really want to go back to godhead??? By understanding and following the teachings of our spiritual master we can please Krishna and guru.

Quote by Srila Prabhupada:

" Always remember Krishna who is your dear most friend and always serve Him just to please Him, and He will give you all intelligence how to be a first-class devotee."

What a powerful statement!.... Please take a moment to think where would you be right now if it wasn't for Srila Prabhupada.

Srila Prabhupada Ki Jai!

Hare Krishna and Welcome!

Welcome to my blog. I want to use this space to share my thoughts and spiritual realisations. If you have any comments or would like to add anything please feel free to share.

Your servant,

Bhaktin Priya