Tuesday 21 December 2010

Vrindavan Dham 2010

grnanti suka sarikah sucaritani radhapates
tad eka paritustaye tru latah sadotphullitah
saramsi kamalotpaladibhirdhusca yatra sriyam
tad utsava krte manah smara tad eva vrndavanam

“Always meditate on the blissful abode of Vrindavan, where parrots are constantly singing the nectarean characteristics of Radha and Krishna and where trees, creepers, flowers, fruits, and twigs increase the beauty of the land. They are always joyful because they are fully engaged in the service of the Lord of Radha. May I always meditate on such an enchanting abode of ecstasy.”

[Sri Vrindavana-Mahimamrita, by Srila Prabhodhananda Saraswati, 17 sataka, verse 97]

I travelled to Vrindavan at the end of Kartik with this verse in mind. I remembered the first time I visited Vrindavan in 2003 I was a fairly new devotee, I wanted to know anything and everything about Sri Krishna and Srimati Radharani. I visited many holy places and I was eager to learn so much, I was really given the taste by Krishna’s mercy. I had so many wonderful experiences that helped me to progress in my spiritual life. I wondered if 7 years on it would be the same.
When my husband and I arrived we noticed how Vrindavan had changed so much, the roads were now solid concrete, more cars on the road, many ashrams had opened and lots more shops, Vrindavan Dham was progressing with the rest of the world. As we travelled around to the Holy places such as Radha Kund, Shyam Kund, Govardhan hill, I noticed the true beauty of Vrindavan, where Radha and Krishna’s past-times took place. I realised that this is the consciousness one should have when visiting the holy dham. Being close to nature, see the beautiful cows, living a simple way of life and most of all feeling the presence of the Lord is truly a wonderful experience.
When we went for mangal arati (first arati of the morning), there were so many enthusiastic devotees, chanting japa, waiting for the curtains to open. We couldn’t wait to see the deities. Everyone was gathered in front of Radha Shyam Sundar and a few in front of Gaura Nitai. We managed to stand in front of Krishna Balaram and just as we bowed down to offer our obeisances their curtain opened first. It was so magical and very emotional, seeing them all in their full glory. My heart just poured with love and happiness, they were so beautiful. It made me realise that I should always remember this moment when chanting my Japa so that I can appreciate how fortunate I am to be a servant of the Guru and Gauranga.
In the evenings we would go and listen to the kirtans in the temple room, each sung in different moods. Aindra prabhu was missed, it was strange not seeing him there as he was part of the Krishna Balaram temple. I was remembering how he would sing for the lord with such love and vigour that it would infect us all. There was a plaque on one of the temple pillars in his memory. What an inspiring devotee, he will be missed.  
Visiting Govardhan Hill was special, we remembered the past times, chanted and did parikrama. Here is a photo of the glorious hill:
“Krishna assumed a great transcendental form and declared to the inhabitants of Vrindavana that He was Himself Govardhana Hill in order to convince the devotees that Govardhana Hill and Krishna are identical. The identity of Krishna and Govardhana Hill is still honored, and great devotees take rocks from Govardhana Hill, and worship them exactly as they worship the Deity of Krishna in the temple.” (Srimad Bhagavatam 10.24.35 purport)

“Of all the devotees, this Govardhana Hill is the best! O my friends, this hill supplies Krishna and Balarama, along with Their calves, cows and cowherd friends, will all kinds of necessities—water for drinking, very soft grass, caves, fruits, flowers and vegetables. In this way the hill offers respects to the Lord. Being touched by the lotus feet of Krishna and Balarama, Govardhana Hill appears very jubilant.” (Srimad Bhagavatam 10.21.18)

It was a very inspiring trip and spiritually rejuvenating!

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